Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ping Pong Activity

Here are some pictures that Elder Carr sent a few weeks ago. They were taken at a ping pong activity.

Here is Skyler with his companion and a part member family

Sky with Antonio, Christian, and Amador. According to Skyler, "they are really cool." :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pictures of our favorite Missionary

Here are some picture that Elder Carr sent us. Isn't he just the most handsome missionary you've ever seen? Remember...feel free to comment on the pictures and/or the letters he writes. I know he will love being able to read all the comments when he comes home. And for those girls out there that are hoping for a date from Elder Carr when he gets home, I'm pretty sure the more you comment the more likely it is he'll take you out. That's why as his sister-in-law I am going to comment a lot in hopes of getting a date with Skyler!!!! :) Enjoy the pictures!

Entrance to Toledo

More Toledo (He is pointing in most pictures. Not sure why...just being Skyler. :) )

Sky and companions went to a Star Wars exhibit.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Bridge and basilica

Double arch

Talavera Capital building

This picture is not one from his mission, but I have to include it because it's one of my favorites. This is Skyler playing for his family right before entering the MTC. Don't you love it?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Aunt Nina

July 22, 2009

Lake Powell? Did you honestly think that would make me jealous? Hah! I am such a bigger man than that (no I’m not). I am not even the tinsiest bit jealous (yes I am). I will just keep hanging out here in SPAIN! (I thought that would make me feel better, it didn’t) I had better be getting a bijillion pictures as soon as you get back.

Your attempts to end my continuing bubbliness have been in vane. Too many bubbles. I can even continuing the careening that I was unable to let loose last time.

I did get your packages. Wicked. They both came like 2 weeks ago during interviews, which was perfect- it allowed me to rub even more faces in the fact that my family loves me materially, but regrettably, my heart has grown a bit, so I ended up sharing everything anyways. Well, let me be more specific, I shared almost everything… the ping pong paddle is clearly mine. I have named her Shauna. She is good to me. Thank you.

You may have noticed that I have been spending money lately, but if not, mom, I have been spending money lately. Nothing cool, just train tickets and food. They kind of messed up our money, and since we are in a pueblo, the home account takes a hit. I honestly could have gotten away with not digging into the home fundage for food, but decided a long time ago that I would never be a hungry missionary when I have control over it. Good news, I do have control over it.

Oh yeah, when you send that huge package with all the pictures you took at lake powell could you also throw in that one picture that was in karstons room so many years ago of Christ hugging the sad man. Preferably a new one, unless it would cause you to delay too much, then by all means, go a head a rip that thing off of bum’s wall, he said it was okay (this works because I am pretty sure nobody hears from karston anymore, I know I haven`t (a burn)).

We are now living with two Romanians. The new one got here yesterday and he is a 300 lbs man named Francisco. The reason I am adding this is because his musk smells an awful lot like dad`s French toast. Could you send me the recipe for that? I have a craving now.

Oh yeah! I have more bubbles. I received an email last week from Juan Carlos, the lass active member we were able to help reactivate in Talavera when I was there and he is getting married! This is a miracle. They are both illegal, wanted by the government, from Nicaragua, and have false birth certificate papers, but somehow everything has just fallen perfectly into place (miracle) and they are getting married at the end of this month (miracle). Then I just found out that they have finished their temple prep classes and are getting sealed a couple months later (miracle). I freaking love eternal families!

We have been given two more ballin’ (my companion is still giving me gangster lessons) investialligators. It is kind of an extended finding experience. We were riding the train to Madrid for a zone conference a few weeks ago and it was filling up a lot. We had seats since we started from the furthest spot possible. We sitting, enjoying the morning hustle when two ladies stepped on and stood next to us. We got up and offered them our seats and they were amazed. We were still about 45 minutes away from Madrid so it was a semi big deal. We started talking to them and they were blown away that I knew how to speak Spanish (when I stand next to my companion I look really white). We talked to them for a while and they were way cool but had to run off when their stop appeared out of nowhere because satan made the trains run early. We were pretty bummed we didn`t their info. Well, lo and behold, Heavenly Father gave us a second chance because he loves us and we ran into the girl who was the most interested of the two in one of our areas. This wasn’t just any little coincidence, she was carrying a book of mormon (miracle) and she was walking with another non member friend who happens to be the son of a long lost less active father (miracle). She was borrowing the book from her friend and freaked when we told her she could have one of her own. Her family is way against us for the time being, just because they don’t know us, but its okay because she is a teenage girl, and when they say no, she says yes even louder. Works in our favor for the time being. Her name is Estefani and her friend is Joan.

Well, im spent.
Hope you all get burned.

I love you.
Elder Anthony Sky
Defender of the Faith