Thursday, November 5, 2009

a little late, but still good

November 4, 2009

I hate to say it, and I know you hate to hear it, but I have absolutely no time. Today we went to the mission home to have a zone activity and we just barely got back.

I am happy. I am healthy. I have Total Eclipse of the Sun by Bonnie Tyler stuck in my head.

Things are good.

Really quick, I am doing good on supplements. I am out of life pack, garlic, running low on latero flora, normal flora and could use some sort of muscle soreness lotion or something of the sort. If you believe that the above items should be included in La Carrmacia (mix between Carr and Pharmacia (Pharmacy)) then feel free to include them in the Thanksgiving packages. And yes, I do expect to be receiving something for which I can give much thanks this month.

I have now blown Happy Birthday Kisses to the following people: Isis, Harrison, Preston. It may take a while for them to get there because I had to send them by land, the international kiss blowing rates were a little beyond my price range.

You may be thinking that the following comment was unnecessary and a waste of time. You may be right.

Even quicker now, I got to take part in some pretty cool stuff this week. I got to be part of my first baby blessing. We threw together an awesome BBQ last Saturday which was a blast. At the mission home today President was greeting us at the door as we were walking in and he laughed when he saw me and gave me a hug- not sure yet if this is good or bad. And most importantly I got to be part of a really cool one on one with Ronnie. We were at his house and E. Driggs was helping the family with the food and I was sitting and chatting with Ronnie. He told me he was having a really hard time because of his problems with alcohol and didn’t think he was going to be able to overcome it. Ever since his brother in law died he has been hitting the bottle pretty hard. He is now to the point that he can make it through a whole week, but every weekend he falls. He was so depressed and really didn’t think he could. I got to have a cool experience kind of pumping him back up. I don’t remember hardly anything that I said, but that is just because very little of it was even mine to say. Mostly just told him that I didn’t ever want to hear him say that he couldn’t, because I know, and I know he knows that Christ already did it. Something I have noticed this past week is that in a lot of the places that it mentions faith it almost always mentions hope. And even more impacting to me that it often mentions patience along with it. We must have hope that we can. The faith gets us going, and patience keeps us up fighting. I pretty much told him what I knew: Not very much at all. I am horrible with history, even worse with the future, but I know without a doubt certain things. That is that Joseph Smith saw what he saw. That God answers prayers. That we can because He did.

Sorry if you were totally lost through that. I wanted to try to write as much down as I could because I knew that I would forget how it felt by next week. I think he cried a bit, I couldn’t tell though because someone threw water in my eyes.

Sorry about the whole time thing, I tried to cruise and I still went over what I had.

Love you tons,


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

show me heaven

We talked to a guy yesterday who said that he knew a lot about God. I asked him if he knew God. He thought for a bit and said that he would be willing to listen, but we would have to show him heaven.

I thought that was a cool phrase. Show me heaven.

My hippy side has begun to flourish once again. Mother, feel free to be proud. Father, feel free to be afraid.

I am feeling better from the yuckiness of last week, but i am feeling a new drain: Say hello to the new marathon me! The Driggster and the Romanian love to run. I am willing to follow. Every morning we spend about 40 min. conquering the mountain behind our house. The past few days i have been doing really good on excersices. You know, new motivations. I really want to be able to play with Cal when i get home, and right now i am just not physically capable of such an endeavour.

Me oh my what a week.

We had some really cool things happen with Olga Marzal this last week. For those who do not remember, she is the one who has been kicked in the rear like 500 times by the holy ghost. Her whole life has been leading her to the doors of the chruch of jesus christ, but she has always been unwilling to realize what was right in front of her face. I have good news, she realized. She knows its true. From her first encounter with missionaries 40 years ago all the way to her dialing the wrong number on the phone and ending up with the missionaries, she has been shown heaven bit by bit. This last week we invited her to be baptized and she made a long speal about how she wanted to be totally sure and prepare more and feel it and know it and a bunch of other totally lame excuses. I kind of zoned out during the speal. When she was all done i just told her that is was her date, she could do what she wanted, but God allowed us to feel that this was her date and we knew God wanted her to do it. She looked at us for a bit and started to open her mouth to protest, but she accidentally said yes. Naturally, i immediately called no take backs, double stampies, and no erasies. We got her. She is shooting for the 28th of Nov.

We had to push the prince's date back a bit because we didn't feel he was ready. Yesterday we got to reset it. We felt it finally. He said the closing prayer and prayed to God that He would let him get baptized this time. He said that it was something he knew he needed and wanted and prayed that it would work out this time. Once again, i called no take backs. I even added a no battle. We got him. He is set for the 7th of Nov.

Ronnie and his family and Isa are all doing good. They are still working it for the 28th of Nov. as well.

Oh yeah, another cool thing happened. We ran out of saldo on Sunday. Saldo in Spain is the minutes that we get on the phone. We are charged a certain rate per minute and it subtracts from a monthly allowance of 50€. You could usually expect a solid chew out when you ran out, which i regularly did. Recently, Pres Watkins bumped us up to 70€ so that we would never run out. Well, i ran out. Not sure how, but i did. I called him from a pay phone and he spent the first little while just heaping praise at us for what he saw on Sunday (we will get to that) and then asked what he could do for us. I told him to prepare for an emotion change and told him i ran out. He just asked how much more we would need, 10 or 20. I said that we would be able to do it with 10 and he said, okay, i will give you 20. Then he said, don't ever feel bad for using the tools that the church has given us to further the work of the Lord. He is now going to permanently raise us to make sure it doesn't happen again.

I was pleasantly surprised.

As for what happened on Sunday, we had quite the surprise for Mr Pres Watkins himself. As we were preparing to leave to go pick up some investigators for church, we got a call. It was Watkins telling us he was on his way. We asked to where and he said he was coming to church with us to see what all the fuss was about. We went to church and went through the normal routine. The member all loved Watkins and he even came to our Gospel Principles class. At the end he told us that he had never seen things run so well. Every seat of the church was full, there were several less actives present, and more than 10 investigators to take care of. He said it was amazing. Once again, he began heaping praise we didn't deserve and then went on his way. I still dont agree with the whole praise for the results thing. I have always worked hard on my mission, and my first year i didn't really hear anything because not much happened. Now that things are happening, i realize how undeserved it is because we just have the luck that the timing is right. Nothing to do with me. I blame it all on the driggster.

Well, that does it for me.

Make sure nobody gets to close to Caleb when he is yawning, you may run the risk of falling in. That could cause a bit of a choking hazard if the person is equal to or greater than the size of Harrison.


Elder Anthony Skyler Oluwa Seun Carr

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

here you go


Sorry about the lateness of the email, we have had a pretty packed day. We got invited to go see Las Ventas bull fighting ring with some Elder and then right after caught the tail end of a multi zone bbq…. featuring Aranjuez. All the city zones like to have activities because they are all really close together, but since our zone is the pueblo zone, it is a bit on the impossible side. Luckily, the other missionaries like us, so we get invited... also a small chance we are invited out of pity. No matter, at least people are beginning to hear of Aranjuez.

Las Ventas was cool. According to them it is the most famous bull fighting ring in the world. According to them. I had never heard of it. I found it interesting how the tour guide tried to almost minimize the actual brutality of it all. She kept saying that the bull fighters get extra points if they can kill the bull with the least amount of suffering possible. I for one am indifferent to the sport, but I figure that if you are going to be hanging out in the outlying edges of Babylon, you might as well just go party in the center and quit fooling yourself. No need to cover up. A grown animal is being slaughtered in 20 minutes for the entertainment of others. Admit that the crowd cheers more when the kill is hard. And they cheer even louder when the bull starts to win. All I know is that the whole time I kept having the whole gladiator deal running through my head.


Oh yeah, I also thought it was really funny how they blindfold and armor the horses. I could just imagine a horse chilling there in the dark thinking: its nice of them to dress me up like this, but I would really like to know what is going on out there, everyone sounds like they are having a great time- ooouughgghugoouughg! What the heck was that!? Did I just get hit by a car?

As you can tell, I got a lot out of the tour.

Sorry about the distractedness. This last week a went through a bout of strep throat which was no fun. I didnt want to call the mission nurse because she just loves to drug people up on the cheap medicine. So instead I went downstairs and knocked on our land ladies door. Turns out that she and mom attended the same herbology class at Hogwarts because she is a pro. At the end of the day I came home to a basket full of lemons on my desk and a jar of all natural honey. The instructions were a nice echo of what I maybe should have remembered from my home treatments. I am over the throat issues and now moving through a baby cold which does a nice job of simply draining me completely.

And here I am.

I just hope what I am writing makes sense.

Its okay if it doesn’t make sense. Nothing now a day makes sense. It is like there is something missing. Some link somewhere. For a moment I thought the missing link might be baby Cal, seeing as he is clearly beyond any norm or standard known to us, but then I realized that there is no chain in existence big enough to consider him as a link. I remain in confusion. Sometimes fear. Especially when I look at the pictures of Cal before going to bed.

Something to ponder.

Well, time is almost spent, but I did do missionary work this last week, so I guess I could share something.

We have been teaching this really nice Romanian man and his wife for a couple of weeks now. He is a strict Orthodox and loves to read the bible. We were teaching him the other day about the book of mormon and we ended up reading a chapter with him. About half way through the Chapter I got this funny thought that we should switch it up. Just switch chapters. I thought it would be weird to just cut it short right there, but the more we read the more bored I felt about the topic we were reading. So finally, I just stopped him and told him to switch to 2 Nephi 4. We started reading and I felt way better. I have always loved this chapter. While he was reading he kept pausing and asking us if he should keep going. It was weird because every time we just told him to go ahead and finish the chapter. At the end I started talking and began to ask him a question, but out of nowhere I just went blank. I couldnt think of anything to say. Impossible you may say, but it indeed did happen. So instead of trying to push something out, I just shut up. He stayed there staring at the page. It was totally silent. We were all quiet for about 5 min. Finally, I looked up at him and I saw a tear running down his face. He looked at us and told us that this was word for word how he felt. He said that many times he had thought about these things and he felt a strange burning in his chest. He couldnt describe it. I had one of those cheesy realizations after. We are all trying to teach as the perfect companionship: us and the spirit. Sometimes when we are teaching, we have to give the spirit a chance to teach.

He is not married yet so he will take a bit to get baptized, but he knows how much of a miracle he is.

Sorry, time is gone.

Love you bunches,

Elder Anthony Skyler Oluwa Seun Carr

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I got the package. I am speechless. It is a good thing emails are typed and not dictated, because I would not be able to express myself in any way, shape or form. Cal is ridiculous. I honestly can’t think of a joke that works. I would say that you should go play basketball with him, but he wouldn’t fit through the hoop. Even saying that you should be careful about letting him sit on your lap because of the high femur shattering danger would be inappropriate because if it were to happen, which it probably will, I would feel horrible. It’s one of those things that is only funny until it happens.

Mom, forget about getting a new love sac before I get home. In a couple weeks I think Caleb will be bigger and more comfortable than the love sac. He even has built in heating.

I think Cal and I are destined to be best friends.

As for the rest of the package, thank you so much for everything. It was all perfect. I’m going to cut out the picture of Bri flipping off the camera and keep it forever. Atta girl.

Some quick baby sized requests. Ah! I can’t use that term anymore! This could be horribly blown out of proportion depending on what baby comes to mind. If it is an Ali type baby, it works. But if Cal comes to mind, you are going to have a serious headache. Any object of such magnitude should be handled with great care, for even the thoughts can cause great harm to insides of one’s head bone.

(Caleb & Ali)
Some quick minimally sized requests that in no way should be thought of as being comparable in smallness to Caleb who is in no way small and minimal. Could you send the recipes for your homemade ranch and salsa? Also, if you can track down the story “the giving tree” it would make a great addition.

Well, I am still a missionary, so I guess I can tell you what’s been going down.

There have been a lot of cool things happening. We have been teaching English classes for the last couple of weeks. I love English classes. We don’t speak English in the mission anymore so it is a nice little way to make sure I don’t forget too much. Plus, they are practically handing their fragile minds to me on a silver platter for me to mold to my pleasing. Last week we were going over how to tell someone how your are feeling. In my circle we had about 8 people and by the end they were really getting it down. I had them go practice on the more advanced students in the Driggsters circle which was very effective. They would go up and tap them on the shoulder and say, “Hello, where is the nearest toilet?” And then suddenly grabbing their stomachs and lurching forward, almost to the ground they yell out, “I’M SICK!” We have been working a lot on talking with your body. They are really getting the hang of it.

We got to have couple more awesome family nights with Ronnie and his family. The last one we had we watched the testaments and at the end they had tons of questions. I felt like it would be good to read from the 3 Nephi 11 so they all opened up and we started reading. I thought at first we would only read the first page, but then I felt really strongly that we should keep going just a little bit more. Then when we went a little bit more, I felt that a few more bits would hurt. After about 8 bits we finished the chapter. At the end they all were really pensive and we ended up talking about the focus at the end of the chapter thanks to the spirit the first part brought in. The focus at the end is baptism. He has been challenged about 10 times and started saying the same excuses. Then his family kicked in saying they wanted to be baptized. We then shared something different, and to be honest, I don’t even remember exactly what we said. He then looked at us and said, okay. We are planning on the 28th of November and if everything goes well we should be able to move it up.
They need lots of prayers.

Well, our hostess is kicking us out.
Love you tons and bunches,
Don’t drop Cal, he may make a hole in the floor and kill Mamina if you are at our house,

Thursday, October 1, 2009

the Lord did say he would raise a peculiar people


Good things are happening.

Business first.

I have not bought a guitar yet, and might not ever be able to. We are way too busy right now trying to fit everyone in, which is a good thing. I did however buy myself a new suit for my birthday seeing as the chubbyness of my bum completely massacred my other pants. Thank you for the suit. I may be spending a bit more to get it all tailored up. Maybe some shoes too. All the sales are happening right now.

Speaking of shoes, thank you for getting that all figured out. I will wait a bit and then send some pictures, mostly of the inside. You can just give them to Jason if he likes them, they are very good quality.

We did end up visiting the thug man, and he was really cool. His name is Rodrigo and he is from Brazil. We taught him about the Book of Mormon and then asked him to read a bit and pray. His answer was, “Thank you so much for this.” He is cool. We will keep him.

Still waiting on the nigerian name. Dont worry though, Oluwa Damilola Adesipo Prince Olekokun wont let us down. I mean, come on, he is royalty.

We did not eat any of the fish. Seeing as we are fishers of men, we didnt want to start any bad habits.

Done, now for news.

Some good stuff and some better stuff, I will let you be the judge.

We went to visit our bombshell, peruvian, old, less active member the other day in the day care center. She always has me laughing up a storm. She is always complaining about all the other old hags in the center. She says that she ended up in one of the nicest rooms, even though she is new, just because her roommate is black. It was cool, she said that everyone else was missing out on this ladies awesome culture, but then it was cooler because she said that seeing as she is a peruvian mountain woman they now have so much culture in that room it is coming out of their ears! Pretty sure I did see something coming out of her ears, didnt know you call that culture. I love sassy old women.

Elder Driggs has made some new strides in his personal development. He is now cursing fluently in spanish. I am hoping the next step in his progression will at least be that he becomes aware of the cursing. It has made for some very funny moments. For example: We were in the kitchen eating lunch, and in walked our new roommate, Juan Carlos, from Andalucia. We were eating egg sandwiches and the Driggster took a bite of his, and of course, the yoke exploded out the other end all over his hand. Well, he ment to say MIRA, but since he cant speak in tu form, it has to be MIRE. Sadly, all he could remember was that he was supposed to have an E somewhere in there. So, with food in his mouth, he screamed out MIERA. This is dangerously close to the equivalent of the shiz word. With food in mouth, it is exact. Juan Carlos stopped, smiled, and said, “Now there is a word I can understand, atta boy.”

Hmm. This has been rather worldly. Maybe we can try to edify a bit in the remaining seconds.

Well, at church we had an amazing turnout. We had so many people show up that we had to add an extra row. As we were shifting over to the last block of priesthood, things were crazy. Everybody loves everybody, which is awesome. Sadly, it lasted really long. We were already 30 min into the class and nobody was teaching. I will go ahead and say it now, it turned out to be a growing experience for me. I had to mature enough tear myself away from the way fun chatting to go see what was going on. I asked the Mission Leader what was going on and he said the the Branch President was going to teach. Only problem was that the Branch President was in an interview. I didnt want the investigators to just sit there for an hour so i asked him what he was going to do. He just looked at me and said this Sunday was the presidency message and it was presidents turn. I asked a few more leaders, but nothing was working. Finally, i just told i would do it. He said okay and got things started. I have had to do this two weeks in a row now. It has been a really cool experience. Both times that we have ended up with no teacher, i have felt really strongly that there needs to be a class. This alone was huge because i love just chatting with everyone and usually never care about shedules. Then when i was teaching, some really cool things happened. Lessons came out that i knew werent mine. Things i have never thought of. Stuff, that when i thought about it later, the investigators there really needed to hear, but i never knew at the time. Kind of a humbling experience, for me at least.

Sorry, time is spent.

Love you bunches,

A big wet kiss everyone,


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

the happenings‏



Some quick requests, if I may: Could you (anyone who feels that this could apply to them or who could contribute in any way) send me some short, children’s stories. I want to get a bunch of stories together that could be used as a sort of “family night parables” thing. I was thinking of things along the lines of “the giving tree” or things like that. Stories that can be easily tied back into the gospel. Since the people here don’t have the same children’s literature we do, people will think I am so creative and awesome. This is a good thing.

Funny story for Isis. There were two missionaries teaching a lesson to a family not too long ago. One was missionary of about a year, I think, and the other was being trained. To make a long story short, the new missionary made a mistake in is Spanish. It was a very warm day and, since he doesn’t know how to say much else, he decided to comment on the temperature. Weather talk, always a winner. Well, except this time. He commented to the father of the family, “¡estoy caliente!” The father, of course, reacted as any good father would by screaming to the kids, “Run, children! To your rooms! Grab the dogs! Hurry, now, go!”

(“estoy caliente” is the equivalent to expressing that one is currently in heat)

Great family.

Now, on to the main event. Elder Teixeira.

Elder Teixeira is a native from Portugal. He speaks perfect Spanish, but is Spanish is a mix between Spanish and Portuguese… Spatuguese? So anyway, he is a member of the first quorum of the seventy and also a member of the Europe area presidency. With this information in mind, you will now understand the following statement which I would like to make:

I was publicly reprimanded by a member of the first quorum of the seventy.

It was awesome.

During the conference, Elder Teixeira left the pulpit and came down to stand in front of us and use the whiteboard. We just happened to be on the second row in the very corner where the whiteboard was situated. He then proceeded to ask how many of the missionaries had progressing investigators (took us a while to understand it because he said it in Spatuguese: inspesquitadoras). We were fortunate enough to be able to raise our hands. He then asked how many of the missionaries had more than two. We were still able to keep our hands up. He then saw us and, due to our phenomenal positioning right in front of his face, asked us to come up so he could make an example out of us, I mean, use us as an example. He asked us for two of our investigators. We told him Isa and Ronnie. We then wrote their names on the board. He then asked us to give some background info on them. We were speaking Spanish at this point, so the majority of the attention slowly shifted to me, as far as the answering the questions spoken in Spatuguese was concerned. We then told about each of them and he was very happy about it. He then asked if they had baptismal dates. I told him that we have invited them, but they are both still not to that point. He asked the same question again. I tried to word it differently, but gave the same answer. Apparently, it was still the wrong answer. This was when it got awesome. He told us that there is no excuse under the sun for a progressing investigator not to have a baptismal date. He then told us that we were going to go in to the lesson with Isa and her husband Miguel Angel and tell him that his wife wants to be baptized and we want to invite him to be baptized with her, otherwise she will have to be baptized without him and progress alone. Miguel Angel is the reason Isa is not baptized yet. He wants nothing to do with us. He is one of those sinners who is comfortable with is lifestyle. Elder Teixeira said that we would alse make sure Ronnie set a date. Worthy of note: Ronnie has been challenged by many missionaries, and always says he will get baptized when he is ready. So after Elder Teixeira man handled me a little bit more, he let me sit down. I talked to him after, mostly because I wanted to shake the hand that so powerfully slapped my pride. He thanked me for being a missionary he knew could handle a teaching opportunity like that (i am not sure why this keeps happening to me). Then he said he wanted me to tell him what ended up happening with Isa and Ronnie.

Well, we did what he said. First with Miguel Angel. He was very much the same in the lesson, but when we went ahead and told him what was up he was silent for like 2 minutes. Then he said that this was serious. He would have to change a lot and told us he would have to think a lot about it, but he thinks he is ready to change. Amazing.

Then we did it with Ronnie. We had an awesome lesson and ended up just asking him when he was going to be baptized. He delayed a little bit and said that when he felt he was ready, he would do it. We then read the requirements for a baptismal candidate in Doctrine and Covenants 20:37 (I think, it is in the second column in the middle in Spanish). I then took off my tag, handed it to him and said that we would change roles for a bit. I then asked him, “Elder Carr, what do I need to do to feel ready?” He paused for a bit and said, “Repent of your sins, pray, read the scriptures, and go to church.” I then asked him, as myself again, “Are you willing to do that?” He accepted and said that the next time he would have an answer for us. Later, as we were walking to the station to catch the train back home, he pulled up next to us in his car. He said that he had been looking all over for us. After the lesson, he felt so amazing inside that he wanted to thank us in some way, so he tracked us down and gave us a ride to the station.

Time is spent, but I will for sure keep the updates coming on them.

Love you bunches,

Elder Sky

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hala madrid‏


Sorry about the delay, even though your are probably just waking up. Today we cruised up to Madrid and toured the number one religious gathering place in spain: the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium, home to Real Madrid.

It was amazing. We got to sit in the stands, see the trophy room, walk through the locker room (even saw the toilet where countless legends have, well, you know…), and even sit in the players’ box. When we were down by the field, I even flirted my way into getting a blade of grass from the field, a blade of turf from the players’ box, and a dirt clod (should sell for millions on ebay). At first it proved to be a worthy challenge, seeing as the security guard on duty was a 40 year old Spaniard man. But in the end, victory was achieved, a heart was won, and a blade of grass acquired. I regret nothing.

As always, I took pictures of everything. I will hopefully be getting those off soon.

Tomorrow should be an interesting day. We get a surprise mission tour from Elder Teixeira and then a spiritual cuddle with President Watkins. I will let you know how that goes.

Yesterday was really cool. We taught Michael and of course he was stellar. Earlier in the week we had invited him to pray about things he can do better to stay strong. He told us that he prayed for an answer and then opened the book of mormon. After opening the book, he realized his thumb was pointing to verse 1 of chapter 16 of Alma. He handed it to me to read and told me that it was his answer. It is one of the peace/war chapters. I read it and paused for a moment. I then went ahead and took another moment. Then two or three more moments. Still nothing. I had no idea what he found. But of course, our miracle, Nigerian, bombshell pulled through. He said that he too was at peace right now. More peace than ever before. He then said that he also knew now that he needed to be ready and prepared for when the devil would make his cries of war against him. He did not want to hear even the faintest rumor of war inside of him.

I no longer skim over the boring war history versus straight to the fighting parts… as much.

Day before yesterday was fun. I went on exchanges with a really cool missionary who has been out for a long time. I learned something really cool from him. Please don’t take this the wrong way. I have always read/heard about how we are never supposed to compare ourselves to other missionaries to measure our own personal level of achievement. I had always thought that this meant that we were not supposed to compare ourselves to really successful missionaries so we don’t get depressed. I realized a bit more. Also got to avoid comparing oneself to the poor missionaries. It was sad to see how frustrated he got with people when they wouldn’t listen, even to the point of condemning them. I honestly wasn’t surprised every time he was turned away, I wouldn’t want to talk to someone I could tell didn’t like me. At the end of the day I was feeling pretty good about myself and how far I had come, but then I realized that I still had a long way to go. I don’t want to put myself on a scale with missionaries like that. It was sad, but educational.

Day before the aforementioned day was really sweet. We were walking out of the train station after arriving in one of our pueblos and a bus pulled up. It is a bus we don’t usually take and actually takes us in the opposite direction of the person we were planning to visit. I didn’t know why at the time, but it seemed perfect, so we jumped on. About a minute after jumping on I realized I had no idea what I was doing on this bus. It was clearly my fault. My companion is a trainee, he can push old ladies into bushes and it would be my fault. About a minute after this realization the phone rang. It was one of our members asking us if we could pass by the hospital in one of the far away pueblos. Her niece was there and needed a blessing. The pueblo she needed us to pass by was actually the pueblo we were in at that very moment. The hospital where her niece was was actually at the end of the bus line we were on. Very cool experience. We ended up going in, singing a hymn for her, and giving her a blessing. Yep, I sang for someone. Yes, it was to put her out of her misery. Didn’t work though, so we just gave her a blessing and left.

Well, time is spent.

Loves and kisses,


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

the columbian receptionist just winked at me... eek.‏

Alright, let’s roll.

Time to hear about the Driggster. Elder Driggs is from Provo, Utah. He went to Timpview high school and BYU a year before coming out. He is super excited about everything, really really really bad at Spanish, and loves my cooking. The excitement is growing, the Spanish is improving, and the cooking really is that good. Believe it. I think my favorite part is that I am finally not the only one that leaves every contact thinking they are going to be baptized. It is nice to have a companion as innocent as me.

Alright, time for some updates.

This last week at church was explosive. Explosive because my old bubble problem has been acting up again. We called up Michael on Saturday to see if his mom was planning on coming so we could set up a ride from the train station to the church. She has a bit of arthritis in her hip and is really diabetic so her feet are not doing too hot. Well, Michael told us that she had something come up and she wasn’t going to make it. That was acceptable. Of course, that is not how it turned out. Apparently she woke up that morning feeling like she really needed to go to church. She fixed her schedule and decided she could fit it in. I got a call about 10 minutes before church started from an annoyed Michael who was going to be late to church for the first time and was heartbroken about it. He said his mother had decided to come to church and asked if we could find a ride. I called around but no one was going to pass by there. I had to call her back and tell her that we were really sorry but there was no way we could make it. It was just too late and we couldn’t ask a member to miss a whole meeting to get them. She understood and apologized as well. An hour later the door swung open and in rolled three very sweaty Nigerians. Michael, his mother Esther, and his little brother Samson. It was a huge surprise. I talked to her after she got a drink and had a chance to rest and she told me that she felt like this was her chance to show God her faith. She told God that she wanted to go and that with his help she knew she could make it, but she was going with that help or not. In her own words, “weh mede dee trek wid feht.”

The other day we taught Michael about the priesthood and we were reading about the Aaronic priesthood and the ministry of angels. He had an interesting take on it. He said that it make sense. If the priesthood is the power of god, then it makes sense that we get the power of the angels to prepare us. I thought that was cool.

I am kind of experiencing a bit of writers block this week… sorry. It doesn’t help that I have an old Bulgarian women talking on the phone behind me. The noise doesn’t bother me at all, I just get distracted really easily because I start pretending I know what she is saying and making up funny conversations in my head. I cant help it.

She just told the person on the other line about a Bulgarian holiday called pushageezerfest. According to her, it is where everyone runs around all day in funny costumes and push old people into bushes.

See, it’s a serious problem.

We had a funny lesson the other day with one of the bus drivers here. We talked to him all the time when we would take is bus and we finally got to go over and teach him. His name is Angel and he is a 49 year old Spaniard bachelor. He is also a less active Jehovah’s Witness. The lesson was a lot of fun. It was like teaching a broken insult machine. He kept trying to use is old JW tricks, but he couldn’t remember most of them, and he kept remembering that he likes us. I had a way good time. We taught him about Joseph Smith and he got frustrated because he promised us that it wasn’t supposed to make that much sense, so he made us promised to come back later so he could prepare. We accepted and should be teaching him again later this week.
Well, I am sorry for the shortness of the letter, but it is hard to write when laughing. The woman just told the person now that she is going to build her house upside-down so that she won’t feel as overweight. Logical.

Love you all tons and bunches,

Hugs and kisses,

High fives and winks,

Anthony Skyler Carr

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

if you see smoke, dont worry, its just my fingers burning up this keyboard‏

Intro? There’s not time for an intro! We have to get moving, now!

I will categorize all that I have to fit in. This is done in order to streamline this process, because it’s gonna be huge!

Things of minimal importance, but still worthy of note:

I found out this really cool way to get this new style of garments, and you don’t even have to go to the distribution center. All you have to do is come here to Aranjuez, throw your garments into the wash, and then accidentally throw a white shirt with a big red print in. It is really cool. They come out in this beautiful, pink hue. I often feel like a flower. A pretty, pink one.

Jason. I heard some songs that I think you will love. They are by Shawn Mcdonald called “take my hand” and “all I need.” You should listen to them, get pumped, and use the extra energy you receive to maybe put them, and others similar to them, on a cd and send them my way.

Karston. Last week I was over at a house teaching this family and something notable happened. We were chatting with the 25ish year old and then I noticed his shirt was a capoeira championships of brazil shirt. Of course we got onto the topic immediately. He then flew out of the room and came back carrying a Berimbou. He let me play it. He said I am horrible. I thought I sounded nice. While I was serenading my companion to some PARANAWEH he slipped silently out of the room and returned with a memory card, which I slipped stealthily into the dvd player. He had downloaded home videos of the street performers in Bahia onto this very memory card. They were awesome. I think they gave me whiplash, you know, from not watching them…

Aaron. I went on exchanges last week with a missionary from Arizona named Elder Hinton. It turns out his brother is the bass singer for Inside-out. I got all the inside scoop, and some free cds. Very successful exchange.

Graham. I want you to know we had our first Zone Conference with the new president and one of the most amazing things happened. He actually fed us during the designated lunch time. Potato bar, very delicious. Much better then the previous roll and apple. I am not sure what this has to do with you, but I figured it has been a while since a made a shout out. Consider this yours.

Mom. I am good on cytolize and down to 2 jars of peanut butter. I have been rationing it all pretty well. As for the magic tricks, I am not really sure how you expect me to see the video, but cute idea. Maybe just explanations or something of really easy tricks with coins, strings, etc.

Tara. It’s a boy. I was really going to guess that, but mom spoiled it.

Everyone. Wait, mom first. I love the idea with the guitar. I talked to president about it and he loved it. He asked me to write up ideas and a game plan for it. Now to everyone. I want more ideas. Ideas of things that we could do to get people involved in classes or anything of the sort. For example: there is an elder in Madrid who is ranked in Europe for martial arts and is teaching self defense. Some sisters are teaching American dance classes and cooking classes. President is really cool with just about anything. Consider me, my talents, and what would be fun. I need your creative juices. Ready, set, go.

As for your question about what the leadership thought of my translating… I think they have given up on me. Whenever I do anything they just laugh and shake their heads and say, “of course.” In fact, I think they may have even taken to heart the phrase “if you can’t beat them, join them.” They do smile more because of it, but that bring me to another category…

Things of maximum importance, so good I suggest you restrain from blinking the entire time:

I got a call that I was to report to transfers but that my companion would be coming in the day after, so I would have to stay with another missionary for the night. I got to stay with Elder Read which was way fun reminiscing of the old days. Well, turns out they want more little Elder Carrs running around, because he is hot off the press. His name is Elder Driggs from Provo, Utah. He is so so so sweet and almost as green as I am. There was a total of 4 missionaries coming in this transfer from the MTC so all of us showed up together to the mission home yesterday. There we got some training, ate some killer burritos, and hung out. Funny moment real quick: I was talking to the new missionaries about the rap guitar cd I want to come out with, and giving them samples from said cd, when Presidents daughter showed up. She flew in Monday and was super jet lagged still. She is about 18 and very tired, well, that is all I found out about her. She walked past and into another room and Hermana Watkinds said, “well there’s Emma, you can get to know her later.” This was said in general to everyone in the room, but of course, I figured it was directed at me, just like everything else. I responded at a high volume level (so they say) “are you taking crazy pills? I don’t know how to talk to teenage girls anymore!” She laughed and said, “Its okay Elder Carr, she will be good practice.” Naturally, I assume the worst. I now have free reign to flirt it up with the president’s daughter. So back to the main agenda, we continued on with everything smoothly. We got to the end, which is when they announce the companionships. I got up, told everyone about how sweet the area none of them have ever heard about is, and them jumped up and down screaming when they told me I got the Driggster… the Driggster, I have never thought of that before. I wonder what he thinks of it. Let me ask him really quick….

He likes it too.

Now, for the other happenings that were lost in the terrible misfortunes of last week.

Michael’s baptism was planned for 1 on Saturday. We got there bright and early that morning to set up the font. Everything was going smoothly until the font was full. When it was at full capacity, we found a small hole in the back. No problem, I took my finger and saved the day. I called Elder Castro over to come help. Sadly, just as I was calling him is when the added pressure of my finger caused the font, which neither of us had ever set up anymore, to realize it was tire of holding up all that water with its un-tightened metal joints. So it fell. Luckily, with my free, un-wedged fingered hand I was able to reach up and catch it, while at the same time letting out a earsplitting scream. The scream was enough to get Elder Castro to come and see what was happening, and to get a member to run back to see what had happened to his daughter… she wasn’t there. It was me. They helped me hoist it back up and into place and all was good. Well, good for about 30 more minutes. By the time it was about 1230 we decided in would be good to call Michael. We called him up to see where he was and he said that he hadn’t left yet. That was bad. Then we told him to hurry and he said that his father had forbidden him from going. That was worse. We told him to stay put and that we would be over immediately. We grabbed a member and he took us to the outlying pueblo and dropped us off at the door. I rang up to his apartment, but the dad wouldn’t let us come up. Finally, I asked him to just meet us in the stairwell, and he agreed. As soon as he saw us he started yelling. He yelled that we didn’t know what baptism was, that his son was in no way ready, and that he would never be baptized. Then, because the volume levels weren’t high enough, the wife decided to join in to reach the desired levels. We tired everything we could. On the way over I had offered a prayer in my heart telling God that I would do everything I could, but I knew if would never work if He left it up to me. We tried to explain to him what was going on, telling him that we loved his son and just wanted to help, but he didn’t want to hear it. Finally, I just told him not to worry, the baptism was off. We would not be baptizing is son, but at the very least he could do is to let his son come and bare his testimony so he could know that he had learned something. He told us that he did not want to hear the words from the sweet tongue of a babe. I felt lost. I had tried everything I could. He just kept yelling and nothing would calm him down. We told him we would go but asked to talk to Michael before we left. Michael came out and Elder Castro told him not to worry, we would always be here for him no matter what. I was so confused. I had felt peace when we were going over, but this was not what God wanted to happen, I just knew it. As we were about to leave I looked at the father with such mixed emotions. I felt like punching in the head, but I was also grateful that he loved his son enough to try to fight for what he thought was right. I thanked him for it and then immediately felt very strongly that the least we could do is pray with them as a family before we go. It was weird, I couldn’t think of anything else. I asked him if we could pray with him, and he agreed. I asked if we could go inside, he said that was okay. I asked if we could kneel, he agreed. I asked if I could say the prayer, and he said that would be fine. After we prayed with them Michael was crying because he really wanted to be baptized. The mother then looked up at her husband and said something in Ebo (their language). Then she said it again. He argued a bit, but she said it again. He looked over at Michael and told him that when the time came to stand up for God you will not cry, go, get ready quickly, you are going to get baptized. He left and the mother asked us if she could come. All of us cruised over to the church an hour and a half late. Luckily the members were all there still and ready to get things started. Everything went perfectly. At the end I thanked Michael’s mother and she said to thank god. She said that God touched her heart during the prayer and she knew that her son needed to be baptized. She didn’t understand why until she was there. She has now been coming to church and has loved it.

I am sorry, but I am well out of time.

Hugs and kisses,

Elder Anthony Sky

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

This was a small birthday celebration we had. We made a yogurt cake in a bread pan which turned out really good (I have really enjoyed learning how to cook). Then we had some non-alcoholic manzana and topped it all off with some good old wholesome dominos.

Sunflower fields from the train.

Ping pong heroics with Amador. As usual "Shauna" dominated (Shauna is the racket Harrison and Susan made for him)

We took a bus up to the look out with the Toledo Elders, who are so cool. We had way too much fun being Cris Angel, Ironman, High School Musical and others. The big square building is where we got to do internet-SO COOL!

Awesome Toledo sword shop-I am preparing for glory.

No explanation needed-This one should be receiving a spot on the wall at home.

View of and from the Roman bridge in Talavera. President Watkins saw this and said, "Pure joy", then he whispered, "I like that".

Me and Elder Moeai doing some proselyting in the walls of Talavera...just in case.

"Me during weekly planning. As you can see, it is not one of my favorite things and I am often distracted."

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

currently writing on a keyboard with no letters...

Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009

Big week this week. I mean, we are talking big, sweaty Romanian big. I say this because there is one sweating next to me. He is big. Like this week. This week was big.

I think to properly express the enormity of this week, I will be starting a new segment. The following will be called: frolicking through the happy thoughts of my daily planner.

There is this thing we do in this mission at the end of everyday that has allowed this segment to take life. After a long day of working we put down numbers and choose a happy thought, usually just little funny things that happen. I, however, have fallen behind a bit in my journal writing. So, at the end of every day, I write down my happy thought which is usually a happy paragraph. As you may have deducted, this has now become my journal… at least until I get caught up… maybe on the plane ride home.

Let’s frolic.

Wednesday night we bought a basketball to celebrate the rebirth of the sports rule.

Thursday we played with said basketball during morning exercises. We rode extra buses to get around due to the fact that I have not played sports for almost a year, which makes pulling every muscle in the body very likely, which I did. When we taught Michael we asked him what he was planning on doing for the night. He said, “Watching kite rider of course.” Elder Castro said, “Cool, what’s that?” He answered, “You know, the show with the really cool car that drives around and saves people. Elder Castro responded, “Oh, you mean knight rider.” Michael then proved him clearly wrong by adding, “No, kite rider, the one with the car. Look, it starts with a K.” Elder Castro was then forced to apologize for his ignorance of the obvious.

Friday: Elder Castro ate yogurt that smelled like a pretty girl.

Saturday we taught Olga Marzal, one of our epic referrals, and she was amazing. She was a referral from the Bilbao mission. Apparently she was making calls for work, entered the number in wrong, and ended up calling the missionaries. The church is true.

Sunday: Michael passed his baptismal interview!

Monday: Awesome. We went to Valdemoro, a pueblo that is about 30 minutes away by train, to teach a lesson. We got there and the second coming almost started. The craziest storm I have ever seen almost completely destroyed Valdemoro. Lightning was striking all over the place, the wind was wild, and the rain fell for a solid hour and a half. I knew that if I died mom would make dad resurrect me so that she could kill me again for having the nerve to die, so I decided we would wait it out by watching the testaments (the storm was very similar to the storm in the testaments after the crucifixion, ironic). The movie ended, as well as most of the storm, so we headed out. It was pretty late so we went to the bus stop right around the corner and right as we got there a bus pulled up. Not a normal bus, though. We were waiting for the #7 which is a normal city bus. What came was a huge cross country bus with a piece of paper taped on to it that said #7. Peculiar. The driver, which was a 30ish year old Spaniard asked us where we were going. We told him the train station and he said in essence, “Well, it may take us a while, but I will get you there, saddle up!” This was when it got cool. Apparently, the storm dominated the pueblo. Almost all the streets were closed because there were rivers and floods everywhere. All the other buses had stopped running because it was unsafe, but this driver wasn’t going to leave people out there on their own, so he took his bus, left his route, and went in search of people. There were about 5 people on the bus. One of them was some girl who was freaking out and calling her family to make sure everyone was okay and she was sitting at the front. We wanted a better view so we sat in the middle. We took a loop on the edge of the city to take one of the riders to his house when we passed a round about. On one end there was a really big puddle and something dark in the middle. When we got closer I realized the dark thing was the roof of a car that had sunk. Everyone was freaking out because there was no way to get through. The driver wasn’t about to let this beat him. He took his kind size bus and plowed it over the median, through some dudes lawn, and back around to the road. That was when the really loud, over dramatic girl got off. The bus driver then said, “Hey, you boys with the white shirts and name tags, come up here and talk to me.” We obeyed. He asked us, “Did you call your mission president to tell him you are going to be home late?” Then we asked him how he knew that, and he asked back, “how do you think?” My companion remembered that a member a couple weeks ago had told us he had a son that drove buses for Spain. He asked him, “maybe you are Leonardo’s son.” Then he said, “maybe.” So we said, “nice to meet you Mario.” We chatted for a bit while he was trying to find a path through the city, but everything was closed or flooded. He told us that he would need to take us out of the city, to the freeway, and then back in because it was probably the only way. Well, it worked. We got the train station, but there were even some trains that were flooded out. He parked his bus and came in with us to make sure we could catch a train. We asked around and found out there was one more train coming. He told us to get his number just in case it didn’t work out and he would take us home or let us sleep at his house. We then thanked him profusely, jumped the tracks because the tunnel was flooded, and caught the last train home. In my missionary opinion, it all worked out too perfectly for it not to have been an answer to one of mom’s prayers of protection.

Tuesday I got a call before zone conference started asking me if I would be willing to translate for the meeting. They had a big mike they gave me and all the natives wore headphones for the English to Spanish, and all the new missionaries wear them for the Spanish to English. Well, I don’t think they are ever going to ask me again. Apparently they didn’t expect me to sing the hymns into the mike, which I did. Then I got bored after a few minutes and started adding my own commentary and various accents to the missionaries. By the end there were a lot of missionaries wearing headphones. Probably a good thing the missionary leadership didn’t approve, translating is tiring. Sometimes it is hard to match the right accent to each individual missionary.

Well, there you have it.
My happy thoughts, with commentary done by me speaking like Walter Cronkite. Feel free to go back and read it again with that in mind.
Loves, hugs, and kisses for the girls,
Elder Anthony Skyler Carr
The Half-Blood Prince

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

keep on rollin'

This week has been wicked climax. Wicked, I say. Well, before I get into that, I will sweep the weekly business out of the way.

I heard wind of a blog all for me… I like it. I do not understand why more of you have not had this desire, but, Susan, you always pull through for me. (This is Susan, since I am posting this, I must interject and say that the blog was Tara's idea. I just helped make it.) According to the natives here, you are the celebrity that was photo shopped into my picture book… something I have yet to deny… I’m not even sure about it… alright… I’m done abusing the dot dot dot… oops, that one slipped.

Okay, so that is all I can remember, I am sure there is more, but all the Elders that are here are already talking about the big news and I cant think of anything else. WE GÖT SPORTS BACK! Alright, I’m sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself. You can just let the enormity of that sink in while I do the lead in.

So Sunday was fast Sunday as I am sure you all recall. Michael was in the meeting so we explained what it was and told him that people who want to share their testimonies can get up and share them. The meeting then began to roll and things when incredibly smoothly. Some good testimonies, a complainemony here and there, your usual miracle story that happened 30 years ago but is still good, and of course, what I like to call, the weekly agenda. All in all, nothing too radical. Then it happened. Michael got up and went to the stand. He turned, and pretty much just let Heavenly Father play puppet with him because he blew everyone away. After he came up to me and apologized which was preposterous. He actually had the nerve to admit his wrong. He said Heavenly Father told him to go share his little testimony, even though it wasn’t much, but Michael felt bad because he said he should have gone first. He should have. We were very disappointed. We expect a lot more out of the elect. Especially those who have never even seen a testimony meeting. Tisk tisk tisk. That day went smoothly. Monday we received 4 referrals. That was a huge deal because that never happens. At this point my bubble levels had reached about a 6, what with the ever-approaching baptism and all. Tuesday we got a CD from a member by a group called TOA. I think the album is called silence. Jason, you might wanna check it out, super sweet. Imagine boys 2 men meets reggae Polynesian hymnal. After this we met with Michael and we helped him pick a member that he wanted to baptize him. He picked Amador, a semi-recent convert who freaked out when we asked him if he would. He freaked out, which made us freak out. Bubble levels had now easily reached a low 8. Then the call came. We were taking care of the interview details and amidst the chaos came the light. The call that sports are back. A moment of silence please…. Yeah right! HAH! I cant stop singing. Bubble levels then surpassed measurable limits.

Well, sorry, this one is not too long. We are in sol right now just cruising around and we got a bit more cruising to do, as you can imagine.

Michael is still cruising for the 15th and all is going well.

Loves, Elder Anthony Sky

just in case

July 30, 2009

Hi everyone, mainly mom, it’s me, skyler,

Due to technical difficulties I was unable to email yesterday. I have no idea why, but every single church website was down. nothing was working. I tried to hop on my google so I could write you a sentence saying all was good, but the spirit gave me a stupor of thought on what my password was for my sinful ways.... I didnt really care, I figured a mothers joy was more important than what email engine we use...

So here I am. This works because today is planning day. Planning day works because i hate planning. So, we streamline it and are super efficient and finish the 3 hours in about 35 min. Now we have all sorts of free time on our hands. You’re welcome.

Now, for my list of demands. Jason, listen up (or open your eyes really wide if you are reading this), this one is for you. You are the only one in the family that mom and dad could afford to enlist in Hogwarts: school of witchcraft and wizardry. Could you look back on you magical education and send me a few very simple magic tricks I could use to impress the natives? President says he wants me to be creative, so I’m gonna run with it.

Now to mom. The picture can be any size. Whatever is easiest to send and would still be easy for me to travel with. Nothing bigger than bum’s. Also, the pictures you took at powell, I think the easiest way would be to just print them off at Costco. Don’t be afraid to print all of them. This allows me to reminisce over and over again on my own time. Those are my thoughts on the subject.

I think you would be interested to know what President Watkins has already done in his first month as the reigning force. Well, he is really taking the focus off of everything we have done. The focus before was all on street contacts. I enjoy them, but they never work with the Spaniards. The mission was very much a south American oriented mission, which is hard, because there are really not very many, and the ones that are here are really only here to work. P. Watkins has made everyone start searching for ways to get creative. Simple things like having family nights with the members outside in the middle of the parks. Things to get publicity going because there is absolutely nothing going on at the moment. It is super weird talking to people everyday that have no idea who we are. He also got pretty fed up with people calling him for permission to do service, which was the old rule, so that is no longer in existence. I have so far been very content with everything.

Michael is still progressing really nicely towards his baptismal date. He has now gotten to the point that he will not allow us to pray because he wants to say both the opening and the closing prayer. No complaints. His prayers rock. For example:“Oh fadda, king of glory, we raiss ower voices to dee in dee name of da fadda, and of dee sun, and of dee oly ghoost. Fill our bohdies, oh Lode, fill our bohdies wit dye puhfect wuhrd. Let dye gloree rest oopun us, oh Lode. Guide our lives dat we mey consume dee evils of dee world wit ower pehsonaal rightcheousness. In dye suns oly neme, even Jesus Christ, amen.”That’s just a sample.

Well, time is spent once again. Thank you for commemorating my day of birth in such an appropriate way.

Love you bunches,Elder Anthony Sky

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ping Pong Activity

Here are some pictures that Elder Carr sent a few weeks ago. They were taken at a ping pong activity.

Here is Skyler with his companion and a part member family

Sky with Antonio, Christian, and Amador. According to Skyler, "they are really cool." :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pictures of our favorite Missionary

Here are some picture that Elder Carr sent us. Isn't he just the most handsome missionary you've ever seen? Remember...feel free to comment on the pictures and/or the letters he writes. I know he will love being able to read all the comments when he comes home. And for those girls out there that are hoping for a date from Elder Carr when he gets home, I'm pretty sure the more you comment the more likely it is he'll take you out. That's why as his sister-in-law I am going to comment a lot in hopes of getting a date with Skyler!!!! :) Enjoy the pictures!

Entrance to Toledo

More Toledo (He is pointing in most pictures. Not sure why...just being Skyler. :) )

Sky and companions went to a Star Wars exhibit.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Bridge and basilica

Double arch

Talavera Capital building

This picture is not one from his mission, but I have to include it because it's one of my favorites. This is Skyler playing for his family right before entering the MTC. Don't you love it?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Aunt Nina

July 22, 2009

Lake Powell? Did you honestly think that would make me jealous? Hah! I am such a bigger man than that (no I’m not). I am not even the tinsiest bit jealous (yes I am). I will just keep hanging out here in SPAIN! (I thought that would make me feel better, it didn’t) I had better be getting a bijillion pictures as soon as you get back.

Your attempts to end my continuing bubbliness have been in vane. Too many bubbles. I can even continuing the careening that I was unable to let loose last time.

I did get your packages. Wicked. They both came like 2 weeks ago during interviews, which was perfect- it allowed me to rub even more faces in the fact that my family loves me materially, but regrettably, my heart has grown a bit, so I ended up sharing everything anyways. Well, let me be more specific, I shared almost everything… the ping pong paddle is clearly mine. I have named her Shauna. She is good to me. Thank you.

You may have noticed that I have been spending money lately, but if not, mom, I have been spending money lately. Nothing cool, just train tickets and food. They kind of messed up our money, and since we are in a pueblo, the home account takes a hit. I honestly could have gotten away with not digging into the home fundage for food, but decided a long time ago that I would never be a hungry missionary when I have control over it. Good news, I do have control over it.

Oh yeah, when you send that huge package with all the pictures you took at lake powell could you also throw in that one picture that was in karstons room so many years ago of Christ hugging the sad man. Preferably a new one, unless it would cause you to delay too much, then by all means, go a head a rip that thing off of bum’s wall, he said it was okay (this works because I am pretty sure nobody hears from karston anymore, I know I haven`t (a burn)).

We are now living with two Romanians. The new one got here yesterday and he is a 300 lbs man named Francisco. The reason I am adding this is because his musk smells an awful lot like dad`s French toast. Could you send me the recipe for that? I have a craving now.

Oh yeah! I have more bubbles. I received an email last week from Juan Carlos, the lass active member we were able to help reactivate in Talavera when I was there and he is getting married! This is a miracle. They are both illegal, wanted by the government, from Nicaragua, and have false birth certificate papers, but somehow everything has just fallen perfectly into place (miracle) and they are getting married at the end of this month (miracle). Then I just found out that they have finished their temple prep classes and are getting sealed a couple months later (miracle). I freaking love eternal families!

We have been given two more ballin’ (my companion is still giving me gangster lessons) investialligators. It is kind of an extended finding experience. We were riding the train to Madrid for a zone conference a few weeks ago and it was filling up a lot. We had seats since we started from the furthest spot possible. We sitting, enjoying the morning hustle when two ladies stepped on and stood next to us. We got up and offered them our seats and they were amazed. We were still about 45 minutes away from Madrid so it was a semi big deal. We started talking to them and they were blown away that I knew how to speak Spanish (when I stand next to my companion I look really white). We talked to them for a while and they were way cool but had to run off when their stop appeared out of nowhere because satan made the trains run early. We were pretty bummed we didn`t their info. Well, lo and behold, Heavenly Father gave us a second chance because he loves us and we ran into the girl who was the most interested of the two in one of our areas. This wasn’t just any little coincidence, she was carrying a book of mormon (miracle) and she was walking with another non member friend who happens to be the son of a long lost less active father (miracle). She was borrowing the book from her friend and freaked when we told her she could have one of her own. Her family is way against us for the time being, just because they don’t know us, but its okay because she is a teenage girl, and when they say no, she says yes even louder. Works in our favor for the time being. Her name is Estefani and her friend is Joan.

Well, im spent.
Hope you all get burned.

I love you.
Elder Anthony Sky
Defender of the Faith